
A15- Wolf

A2- Bear

A3- Birds 1

A4- Birds 2

A7- Deer

A8- Fish 1

A10- Fish 3

A9- Fish 2 (Customize 2 names or word FISHING in banner)

A11- Frog

A14- Moose

A1- Plaid Moose

F4- FL1

F6- Stacked (Customize with Family Name or Farm, or Leave as is)

F5- FL2

F8- Holy Cow

F9- Horse

F10- LIBOF 1

F11- LIBOF 2

CU9- FIOH 3 (Customize with your pets name) $25

A12- Love BB

A13- Love GB

If you do not see a design you like, you may email your request.
Avella Art Teacher, Ms. Jessie Miller
Include your name and description of request. 

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